Monday, November 30, 2009

Capping Your Bottle

Well I've settled on the label for my 2009 production of Cabernet. I've been thinking about what to place on the bottle's top.

My first thought was that I wanted to cover the top and neck with a bright red wax. So Tuesday of last week I attempted to do just that and bought myself some wax and a bright red dye.

In my thinking process I gave some thought to allowing the bottle to breath and with a wax cover I would be eliminating that but I thought that my wine would most likely be consumed within two years and if that was the case, breath ability was not a worthwhile issue to be concerned with.

I also thought that wax would be a good thing because I could impress on the top a seal of sorts (like when long ago people would seal their letters with wax and then press their ring onto it).

Well, after trying the wax approach I've decided to go with a foil. Why? Because I found that wax is like paint, it goes on in layers. By the time I had put enough layers on so that the wax was a bright red, it looked weird, off balanced. And the seal idea, well that didn't turn out any better.

I wonder if they make a synthetic liquid that I could dip the neck of the bottle in that would have the same or similar appearance I was looking for with wax? If anyone knows that answer, let me know. Until then I think I will be looking into placing a foil over the top. I need to do this soon if I am to give some out as holiday gifts.

Talk to you soon.

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