Thursday, November 12, 2009

Wine Storage

Now that you've got your wine in bottles, where do you store it?

Very simply you choose a place where the temperature will not fluctuate from one extreme to another. Most of us will be storing our home made wine in our homes. I store mine in a closet that is located in the center of the house.

If you have six or less bottles you can store it beneath your sink in the kitchen or bath. If you have more you would generally place your bottles in a cardboard wine case (12 bottles) and then pick a closet or some other relatively cool spot. The cardboard case is itself an insulator.

If you have a crawl space under your home you should lay a pallet or sheet of plywood down to insulate the case(s) from the ground and place your wine there. This is not a great spot for those of you who don't like small dark spaces or spiders (I'm in that category).

If you don't have a space at home, find a friend (a real good one) and have your friend store the wine in his or her closet. It would be a good gesture if you were to give that friend a bottle or two. Let them know that your looking to store it for at least a year (aging).

For those of you who've noticed I've labeled this post under "wine making" because storing is part of the aging process and therefore part of wine making.

Share your thought on this subject and make us all a little wiser.

Love Anthony

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