Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Wine and meals

11/3/09: Last night's meal was quick and very good. I prepared a vegetable omelet with mashed potatoes and my wife, Ana, and I coupled that with a Pinot Gregio from Columbia-Crest Grand Estates out of Paterson, WA.

The meal: The vegetables were prepared the day before. The vegetables included zucchini, yellow squash and carrots sauted in olive oil with garlic. The mashed potatoes were left overs from earlier in the week. I simply made the omelet and added the sauted vegetables. Our meal was simple and delicious.

The Wine: As mentioned above. I found the wine to be light in color, almost void of any straw or yellow tint. The nose offered a pleasant sweetness and tones of light fruit. The initial taste presented a crisp fruity character, one that I would describe as melon, somewhat similar to a honeydew melon. The literature on the back label said that it had a "classical tart finish" but I found none of that.

Conclusions: The wine and meal on this occasion complimented each other very well. It was a pairing that I would no doubt attempt again.

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