Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Planning Next Year's Production

After harvest, after bottling, it's time we all started thinking about hibernating. But before we get to that moment let's think about next year's production and what we want to accomplish in preparation for next harvest.

This is my list:
1. Purchase (new or used) two more five gallon glass containers.
2. Do some homework on producing a Zinfandel wine. (I currently produce a Cabernet)
3. Read up on introducing yeast and if so, what kind. The two years I've been an amateur wine maker I've let the juice ferment using the natural yeast that was part of the fruit. I'm thinking about killing off the natural yeast and introducing a specific yeast culture for fermentation next year.
4. I've come across an old wine corking machine (hand operated) and I want to refurbish it, clean it up for next year.
5. I've also come across an old wine press. I want to look into what it would cost to refurbish that as well. It appears very heavy and cumbersome but it would be a great improvement from how I did it the last two years.
6. My tentative production goal I will shoot for next year is 3 cases or 36 bottles or roughly 7 gallons of Cabernet . For a good site to go to when you want to convert volume go right to measurement conversion .

Well, this is my beginning effort at a plan for next year's production. I'm sure as time goes on I will be adding to it.

Talk to you soon.


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