Sunday, December 13, 2009

Wine Rating, what do you know about it?

Personally I know very little about wine rating. So I, like always, jumped on the internet and did a little research.

Well after my brief research I'm still mystified. The bottom's personal. From personal it's easy to picture all kinds of issues and one common thought is that how impartial are the ratings that are given. There was even one suggestion that the rating can be or might be influenced by the amount of advertising you take out in the rater's magazine.

I have a suggestion, to get away from personal, personal needs to be diluted. How do you dilute "personal"? By use of the greater numbers. Put together a group of tasters (50) who are willing to taste a given wine. All tasters are to score the wine using the same approach and rating system. You then take the average of those tasters' scores to come up with the given rating. This approach would give little impact to those ratings (in your group of raters) on the outskirts. The problem with this approach is that it would be hard to find many people who would like to participate.

One way around that problem might be to assemble a pool of as many wine tasters as possible and each month send out a list of wines for that pool to taste. Have them submit their scores as to each wine they were able to taste. Rate only those wines for which you have at least 50 results and then publish those results. Under this approach you would constantly have to be recruiting your pool of wine tasters but people just getting into it might enjoy being part of a larger body of wine tasters.

What are your thoughts?

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