Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Well it's been some time since my last posting. Since then, Ana and I have gone to New York and back. The trip was fabuloso!

We stayed with family during our stay and had the opportunity to try some home made moonshine. Yes, you heard me right. It was moonshine from the Dominican Republic or at least the cook was from there. They call it Pitorro. We were able to bring a bit back with us to California and were told to let it stand for a year and that we should put some fruit of our choice in the bottle and hide it from any light for that year period. It was recommended that the fruit we choose be cherries. Someone suggested we mix in some plumbs as well. Someone told us to bury it in the ground but I am reluctant to do that as I will most likely forget were I bury it.

In addition to the Pitorro we tried Rum from Puerto Rico called "Ron del Barrilito" and we tried a liquor from Greece called "Metaxa" both very very good. I was surprised when I was told by a certain Puerto Rican that though Bicardi is from Puerto Rico not many their in New York drink it. They prefer Barrilito.

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