Friday, December 11, 2009

Lindeman's 2008 Cabernet Sauvignon

Tonight, the 11th of December 2009, Ana and I eat at a small restaurant in Noe Valley on 24th in San Francisco. We had Bernie's Special Burger. Ana ordered from the small wine list and she picked a Lindeman's Cabernet. The list didn't mention a year, just the name. Ana was very pleased when she tasted it and eagerly shared it with me. We found it very pleasant, so much so I asked the attendant to bring me the bottle.

It turned out to be an Australian wine; a 2008 Cabernet from Lindeman's Vineyards and it was the bin series. We found it had a pleasant fruity nose with a deep regal ruby color. we picked up a deep smooth blackberry taste, after a short while I took another taste and I was able to pick up a slight hint of mint. Ana was the first to pick this up and she related it to a roast her mom makes in which she uses spearmint leaves. All in all it was a very good wine that went well with our hamburgers and the cost per glass was very reasonable at $5.50.

When I got home I looked up Lindeman Wines and their Cabernet Bin series from Australia. I was surprised not to find the 2008 for sale. The youngest one they have for sale on their site was a 2006.

Let me know what wines you've been trying, so that I might expand my horizons.

1 comment:

  1. My son Chach's Father-in-law who also lives here in Tucson, who I will describe as an avid "Wine Taster" and "Wine Collector" shares his finds with me any chance he gets. The most recent find was a "2007" "CHARIOT" ~GYSPY~ (Ron gets quite excited when he is sharing any wine that came from, as he says to me, from your hometown) this particular "Red" wine is actually from your hometown of St. Helena. Vinted and bottled by Jim Neal Wines. Ron, found this wine at "Trader Joe's" for around $7.00 (I must tell you, a lot of the "Napa Valley" wines sold here are a bit less expensive in comparison of buying them in California) As for the color and taste of the "CHARIOT" ~GYPSY~ It's dark and smooth and I will have to say you can definitely taste blackberry. You might laugh at this comment: I actually liked this particular ($7.00) bottle of wine better then a ($68.00) bottle of "Darioush" perhaps you are thinking I wouldn't dare have mentioned the comparison if "Darioush" was still one of my clients??? Oh, yes I would :)

    Try the "CHARIOT" ~GYPSY~ "2007". Then post your opinion.

